QI Through COVID-19

QI Through COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an extraordinary time and a time of rapid change; barriers removed, risk appetite high, increased collaboration, blurring of professional and system boundaries have all led to some great improvements. Many of these we do not want to lose. The following model is a great tool to take some time out … More QI Through COVID-19

Together Even When We Are Apart: MSK and Hand Therapy’s ‘WOD’ COVID Story

Together Even When We Are Apart: MSK and Hand Therapy’s ‘WOD’ COVID Story

To view the Tweets embedded in this post, please use Google Chrome or Edge. Monday 23rd March 2019 was not your normal Monday. The surge of COVID-19 was imminent and we were converting all our patients to virtual sessions via Attend Anywhere and telephone clinics, as well as ensuring our outpatient teams were set up … More Together Even When We Are Apart: MSK and Hand Therapy’s ‘WOD’ COVID Story

Human Connection: Change during COVID

Human Connection: Change during COVID

2020, WHAT A YEAR. Like the rest of world, 2020 felt like a long drawn-out nightmare, which we are only now waking up from. However, I count myself lucky. I have been able to work throughout the pandemic and fill my time up with obligations from home and work. I live with my family, which … More Human Connection: Change during COVID

Welcome to Be the Change

Welcome to Be the Change

‘Be the Change’ launched in February 2014 as a concept conceived by junior doctors (F1s), based on social movement theory and inspired by the national NHS Change Day. It has since become an integral part of the ASPH QI programme. We aim to empower all staff to identify quality improvement opportunities in their own areas … More Welcome to Be the Change

Why do Quality Improvement?

Why do Quality Improvement?

Paul Batalden and Frank Davidoff of the Dartmouth Institute describe quality improvement as: “The combined efforts of everyone – health care professionals, patients and their families, researchers, commissioners, educators – to make changes that will lead to better patient outcomes, better system performance, and better professional development.” REDUCING ERRORS Quality improvement is a key mechanism … More Why do Quality Improvement?

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust (ASPH) ‘Quality of Care’ strategic objective (2018-23) states that we aim to be “creating a learning organisation and a culture of continuous improvement, to reduce repeated harms and improve patient experience”. One of the ways we will contribute to achieving this objective for the organisation will be … More Our Mission

QI and Sustainability

QI and Sustainability

Last year, we asked Dr Peter Wilkinson to write a short blog on his reflections and his top 5 learning points following his participation in a one-week, in-person training course provided by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). As well as being an Improvement Coach, Dr Wilkinson is also an Ambassador for Health and Sustainability … More QI and Sustainability

Project Joey – A marathon not a sprint

Project Joey – A marathon not a sprint

Whenever possible we ask members of the ASPH team to reflect on their improvement projects and share their stories. Hopefully this helps to both share best practice and tips on the sometimes complex journey to making improvements in quality and safety; but also to inspire others in their own QI efforts. This month we are … More Project Joey – A marathon not a sprint

Finding Inspiration

Finding Inspiration

Next month the IHI/BMJ International Forum for Quality and Safety in Healthcare takes place in Amsterdam and we are looking forward to joining a small delegation from ASPH and our local, partner organisations at the conference. These kind of forums are invaluable for sharing ideas, meeting like-minded colleagues from other organisations and finding inspiration. Last … More Finding Inspiration

Human Factors and Quality Improvement

Human Factors and Quality Improvement

On 6th March, we were pleased to welcome Dr Rob Galloway, ED Consultant from Brighton and Sussex University Hospital, to deliver a one day Human Factors training event at ASPH. Human Factors was defined by Catchpole, of the Clinical Human Factors Group in 2010 as; “enhancing clinical performance through an understanding of the effects of … More Human Factors and Quality Improvement