Enhancing the Presentation of Data for Clinical Governance

Enhancing the Presentation of Data for Clinical Governance

The Clinical Effectiveness team highlighted a problem that the information presented within clinical governance reports was insufficient to enable teams to identify areas for improvement or highlight causes for concern. The team worked with local Divisions to develop run and Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts that give much clearer information and provide greater assurance. Feedback received has demonstrated that the new format has stimulated more focused discussions within the meetings.

Hot Clinics in General Surgery to Reduce ED Attendance

Hot Clinics in General Surgery to Reduce ED Attendance

The ASPH Accident and Emergency department (ED) has seen an increase in patients who present with surgical problems that are not hyper acute, but some of these patients are unwell and cannot wait for an outpatient appointment.

Frailty - Everyone's Business

Frailty - Everyone's Business

The 2021 Getting it Right Frist Time (GIRFT) report identified that 53% of patients over 75years attending Emergency Departments (ED) are admitted to hospital. Once admitted, these frail patients run the risk of getting over medicalised, subsequently staying longer in hospital and increased risk of nosocomial harm; deconditioning, further frailty and dependence for health and care needs and increased morbidity and mortality. The ASPH Frailty Team set out to test some changes to improve early identification of frailty patients within ED and early intervention from the dedicated team to facilitate same day or under 24hr discharge.

Paediatric Dietetics Outpatients: A review of existing practice

Paediatric Dietetics Outpatients: A review of existing practice

The Paediatric Dietetics department at St Peter’s Hospital provides both inpatient and outpatient service. The outpatient department sees approximately 60 patients per month for a range of clinical conditions. At the start of the project in March 2019, the DNA rate was 15 – 20%, which represents a significant number of missed appointments. The majority of appointments offered at this time were face-to-face with only a small proportion of ad-hoc telephone appointments. The aim of this project was to ensure optimal use of clinical time and resources for Paediatric Dietetics Outpatients by investigating the incidence of DNA’s and to establish whether the capacity of follow-up appointments available met the demand required.

Improving the Consistency and Quality of Ward Handovers

Improving the Consistency and Quality of Ward Handovers

Good handovers are essential to allow continuity of care in shift-based work, recognition of unwell patients and effective prioritisation of jobs. Poor handover can lead to preventable patient harm, particularly when handing over to a weekend team.

Better Nutrition in Care Homes: BeNCH

Better Nutrition in Care Homes: BeNCH

Malnutrition is a common concern within Care Homes with up to 42% of Care Home residents at risk (1). In NW Surrey there are over 2500 Care Home beds for older people across 48 Residential or Nursing Homes. Disease related malnutrition can lead to complications . Optimising nutritional care within Care Homes is essential, particularly given the additional challenges of COVID-19.

Improving paediatric preassessment

Improving paediatric preassessment

The team on Oak Ward felt that the admission process for children prior to their elective surgery was too busy and often chaotic and invariably did not include essential play preparation. This could lead to incidents of children panicking in the anaesthetic room, negatively impacting on the experience of children, parents and staff.

Reducing the risk of 'missed fractures'

Reducing the risk of 'missed fractures'

Over a number years, the Emergency Department (ED) team reported a number of serious patient safety incidents relating to a fracture, which following radiological review, was not recognised by ED staff, leading to the patient receiving delayed or inappropriate treatment. The ED team decided to begin a quality improvement project to improve patient safety and communication between clinicians in ED and the radiology reporters. Read more...

Improving colorectal ward rounds

Improving colorectal ward rounds

In 2016, the ASPH Colorectal Surgical team felt that the experience that many patients have of surgical, daily ward rounds was poor. The team set out to undertake a quality improvement project with a vision to improve patient experience and increase collaborative multi-disciplinary working and communication, by making changes to the Colorectal ward rounds. Read more here...

Creating a dementia friendly area in outpatients

Creating a dementia friendly area in outpatients

For patients with dementia, attending an outpatient appointment at Ashford Hospital – navigating the department, waiting for their appointment in an unfamiliar environment and spending time in a very busy, and potentially noisy waiting area – can potentially be difficult and distressing. Read more here

ED Assembly

ED Assembly

The Emergency Department (ED) Assembly is a simple method of bringing staff together to facilitate improvement and better team working. It is a platform for effective communication, in which there is no hierarchy and everyone is encouraged to contribute. See their poster here.

Adopt a grandparent

Adopt a grandparent

Imagine… you are an elderly patient in hospital; in bed, all day, no social interaction. The nights are filled with the cries of strangers around you, stopping you from sleeping. Can you imagine the effect that this would have on you after 5, 10 or 50 days and nights? Read more here...

Roadmap (risk of aspiration decision making action plan)

Roadmap (risk of aspiration decision making action plan)

A project to improve decision making processes for patients at risk of aspiration on all oral intake, and increasing the percentage of who have documented evidence of a completed metal capacity assessment (MCA). Read more here...

Changing the time of warfarin administration

Changing the time of warfarin administration

Warfarin is a commonly prescribed high-risk medicine that has the potential to result in significant side effects if prescription and administration are not carefully controlled. Read more here...

Improving surgical clerking

Improving surgical clerking

The surgical clerking, or the initial documentation of contact with the surgical team, is the primary documentation of the presenting issue, the patients background the diagnosis and subsequent plan… read more

Junior doctors guidelines app

Junior doctors guidelines app

Junior doctors are often the first doctor to be called to see a sick patient, either on an inpatient ward or on-call… read more



A project to assess how well doctors check and replace electrolytes in patients identified at risk of re-feeding syndrome, with the aim of addressing reasons for any poor compliance… read more

Weekend plans

Weekend plans

Weekend and out-of-hours ward cover is challenging when a team is asked to see patients with whom they are not familiar. We surveyed junior doctors for their views... read more

Aspen Drug Charts

Aspen Drug Charts

The team on Aspen Ward – Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacists and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) were finding locating the patients Drug Chart a problem; this was often a challenge when the patient needed analgesic medications... read more

Dotty for Directions

Dotty for Directions

During the first ‘Be the Change’ campaign, the portering and security teams identified a problem with patients and visitors finding their way around the hospital... read more

Nurse Role Badges on Oak and Ash Wards

Nurse Role Badges on Oak and Ash Wards

The Paediatric wards reviewed compliance with the drugs policy. They highlighted that controlled drug checks were not being performed consistently and as required...

Pathology Network Newsletter

Pathology Network Newsletter

The SPS Newsletter was developed to celebrate achievements across the network and advertise tutorials, events and to include articles of interest mainly but not exclusively relevant to Pathology... read more